Letter of Endorsement for URBAN MATADOR - THANK YOU Elba-Maria Panasuk ! - ArchangelDesign.ca
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Letter of Endorsement for URBAN MATADOR – THANK YOU Elba-Maria Panasuk !

“It is amazing to read! What you are all about BRIAN R. Torner!
Through the “Dance Of Life”…. as per such an amazing photographer TORRES ❤️ love his work.
A passionate narrative style and an intoxicating atmosphere with such a fascinating background.
I ADMIRE the philosophical views and emotional integrity YOU BOTH HAVE as artists and the POSITIVE IMPACT on all your work combined with your UNIQUE TALENT to create such a GENUINELY and formidable artistic force, which has swept me away. Congratulations!”

Elba-María Panasuk
(Mrs. Panasuk)
Published with permission.

In reference to the Urban Matador series:

“La serie ‘Urban Matador’ se erige como una atrevida metáfora de la “danza de la vida”, como un “paso doble congelado en el tiempo”. El fotógrafo Torres capta la esencia del viaje artístico del bailarin Torner. El telón de fondo de Toronto sutil y soleado ofrece un contraste cálido con la capa audaz y fluida de este bailarin apasionado. Torres captura el coraje del bailarin y el impulso para desafiar todos los obstáculos, maniobras a través de la adversidad de la vida con unpoderoso dinamismo unido a la intención, el enfoque, la bravura y la autenticidad.

The Urban Matador series stands as a bold metaphor for the “dance of life”, like a “Paso Doble frozen in time”. Photographer Torres captures the essence of the artistic journey of dancer Torner. The subtle, sunlit Toronto backdrop offers a warm contrast to the bold, flowing cape of this passionate dancer. Torres captures the dancer’s courage and drive to defy all obstacles, manoeuvering through life’s adversity with powerful dynamism coupled with intent, focus, bravura, and authenticity.”


Urban Matador Event Page:


Angel Torres
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